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Danilova, Nataliia Stepanovna
Born in Moscow, on 13 June 1927. After finishing school, she studied at the Faculty of Geography at Moscow State University. Upon graduation, she was allocated to the Merzlotovedenie [Frozen Soil Mechanics] Institute of the Academy of Sciences and was sent to work at the Scientific-Research Permafrost Station in Igarka, and then in Vorkuta and Iakutia. She was later awarded the degree of Candidate of Geographical Sciences. She is widowed, has two children and three grandchildren, and lives in Moscow.

Father: Danilov, Stepan Ivanovich. Born in 1878, in the village of Vatamonovskaia in the Kargopol district. After graduating from the Arkhangel'sk School of Agriculture, he went to work as an agronomist for various land reorganisation commissions in Vitebsk Province. After the revolution, he wrote for the 'Izvestiia' and 'Bednota' newspapers and also published a series of popular scientific works on agronomic issues. In 1934, he was arrested and sentenced to 5 years' imprisonment. He was sent to work on the state farm affiliated to the Siblag camp and at Berikul station on the Tomsk Railway. He died in Siblag before the end of his sentence.

Mother: Osorgina, Ekaterina Vladimirovna. Born in 1895, in Samara Province, she completed her secondary education at a gymnasium. She worked as a typist in the editorial office of the 'Bednota' newspaper and in the Central Statistical Administration. She died in 1964 and is buried in Moscow.

Aunt: Osorgina, Mariia Vladimirovna. Born in 1890, in Samara Province, she graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at Moscow University and then went to work as a 'zemstvo' [municipal] doctor in the Urals. Following the October Revolution, she was appointed a sector doctor at a district polyclinic in Moscow.

Aunt: Osorgina, Vera Vladimirovna. Born in 1885, in Samara Province, she received a secondary education. She worked for the 'Bednota' newspaper but was arrested in 1934 and sentenced to 5 years' imprisonment. She was confined in Kursk and Kaliazin prisons, and sent into internal exile in Savelovo. Having served out her sentence, she was released. She died in Moscow and is buried there.

Brother: Danilov, Aleksandr Stepanovich. Born in Moscow in 1926, he qualified as a jet engine operational engineer and now lives in Dnepropetrovsk, in the Ukraine.

Sister: Danilova, Marina Stepanovna. Born in Moscow in 1930, she is by profession a history archivist and lives in Moscow.


The Interviews
Nataliia Stepanovna was twice interviewed by Irina Ostrovskaia.

The Family Archive
The family archive consists of Natalia's letters and family photographs.

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